Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We've Made it This Far!

Well, yesterday emma officially made it to the 15 month mark! A serious cause for major celebration in my estimation! She has really come a long way in the past few weeks. Her vocabulary continues to grow, though her favorite form of communication still being to point and grunt. She's very fond of the outdoors and loves people. She's our little social butterfly. We finally worked past the "crying when our feet touches the grass" stage, thank heaven, and she and Paul love to kick the football back and forth. She is beginning to come into her independence and wants to walk every where herself and feed herself. Emma already dresses herself, not literally, but chooses her outfits. I think we're in trouble! I've never seen a baby that is more interested in clothing than our little fashionista! She notices every new outfit and everything about it. Tonight we were at the mall and she was running through the department store, inspecting each outfit and oooing appropriately as she ran her hand over the fabrics. One shirt had a bright design of buttons sewn on the front which she tried to bite off. In her defense they did look like fruit snacks. She is a constant source of laughter and joy in our lives. It's difficult to explain how satisfying it is to love your child so much and have them return it so fully. Em is dear to both of our hearts. As we think back through the past 15 months, we are overwhelmed by the sense of the Lord's love for our little family. He has given us many blessings and strengthened our testimonies of His plan for our family. I count myself blessed just to have Paul and Emma in this life. How the Lord must love us all to give us each other for eternity. I think I'm the luckiest of all!


Heidi said...

SHe is such a cutie patootie! SOunds like she is feeling better as well!

Jen said...

I am way over-due for a playdate with little Emma! We need to get together with you guys again!

Our Tinker Bell

Our Tinker Bell