Monday, April 21, 2008

Sweetie Update

For all those of you who may be wondering, Sweetie is starting to get her yearly spots back! She's been enjoying this warm weather maybe more than we have. She wants outside all day long. When you go out to call her in, she's usually found some nice cozy little spot to sun herself in. She's a great fur baby! Sweetie and Emma are the best of pals. They go everywhere together. I think Sweetie has finally realised that this baby thing isn't too bad. Of course, Emma feeding her crackers and cookies probably hasn't hurt their relationship. But, they really love each other. Sweetie will even let Emma "pet" her. We're working on being "gentle", she kind of pats/slaps her on the back. She is getting better at it though ,and Sweetie is really good with her. Emma gives her more kisses than either of us ever get. They are a cute little pair!

1 comment:

Bob and Danya said...

What is this? Sweetie gets yearly "spots." Ok, I know nothing about dogs (duh), but what is this thing with "yearly spots"?

Our Tinker Bell

Our Tinker Bell