Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

We got to see this yesterday. It is very, very good, but dark. I think that all of the characters did a wonderful job and Ledger is an awesome crazy Joker! Be prepared to be overwhelmed. So much happens that it is really hard to take it all in. I'm sure we'll have to see it a few more times. There where parts that I wasn't sure I wanted to see, so I closed my eyes, but really I don't think I needed to. They do a fairly good job of keeping out the gore, still it is very edgy and you feel worn out by the end. If you're hesitating, don't - it's a must see for sure. Suggestion, don't take your kids unless you want them to be afraid of clowns forever!! That's probably a no brainer, but you never know. Go see it, and enjoy!

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