Thursday, January 24, 2008

Two at the Bowl

I heard a strange clinking noise at Sweetie's food dish. I quickly went to inspect and you can see what I found. Not to worry, nothing was swallowed...I don't think. I'm horrified to say though, I think she liked it. I'll have to keep an eagle eye and ear out for her now. She's getting so fast I can hardly keep up with her sometimes. The little booger! I found her dropping food into the water dish moments later. Poor Sweets, it's the quick and the dead around here for her. She was very well behaved for having Emma reach into her bowl. She didn't react really at all. Just darted around her, picking up the pieces that were being tossed all over. These two are quite the pair!!

1 comment:

Bob and Danya said...


Our Tinker Bell

Our Tinker Bell